The goal is to create a hobby board that connects people with similar hobbies and locations.
...This week we learned Angular, with a To Do webpage as our individual project. While learning more about Angular, I am also learning more about myself as a web developer. I found that before I could dive into the To Do program, I first needed to search for existing to do applications. I wanted to see what others considered important to include as well as the general layout and feel of the application. This search was in addition to the requirements of the project. While I understood the requirements, I needed a visible representation of my goal.
...We are continuing with Django this week. This class is pushing me to new levels of online presence I had never expected. We started the class by signing up for Trello, Slack, StackOverflow, and GitHub. Before starting class, it was an introvert’s challenge for me to just slack a link to my GitHub page, much less post a non-prework comment.
...This week, we started Django. I am mostly impressed with its power. It is surprising how much is built into this framework and easily accessible.
...Having recently been to my sister’s wedding, I can appreciate this week’s marriage of HTML, CSS, and Python via Flask.
...Python classes and object oriented programming (OOP) have been some of the hardest concepts thus far to fully understand. Just when I feel like I am getting closer to understanding, I learn more about OOP and have to rethink everything I know. That being said, what Matt said today combined with Nick’s help from yesterday are starting to come together into a more refined concept of classes and the strengths of OOP.
...I am learning more every day to stop and ask for help. Often, in bootcamp, if I am struggling with a new concept, so are others.
...I was an analytical chemist (think CSI for printers) for almost nine years. I enjoyed some aspects, but felt under-challenged by others. While I enjoyed solving problems, repairing instruments, and teaching colleagues, I enjoyed creative and innovative ventures even more.